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The Heart

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The Heart


Raised in West Virginia’s humble coal mining community, Gerald Morris now lives in Washington D.C. and is highly successful in all of the areas that matter. Education. Career. And marriage. Wholeheartedly in love with his wife Eleanor—a revered attorney with enticing good looks and a magnetic personality—Gerald couldn’t be happier. Then a crisis occurs and he discovers Eleanor’s darkest secrets, ones so troubling they threaten to change everything he’s ever believed.

When Eleanor’s health crashes and she is forced to withstand a heart transplant, Gerald finds and begins reading her personal journal. Re-living their life together through Eleanor’s shocking revelations propels Gerald onto an impossibly challenging spiritual journey that no good man as faithful as he should ever have to imagine.

by Peter O. Knight is full of twists and turns and secrecies exposed and yet Gerald’s story is not unlike any one person’s whose faith has been tested by tragedy.

Set against the backdrop of love and marriage, is a provocative tale of love, wickedness, turmoil, and challenges of faith. Literally, the heart is a vital organ, but what if it is not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually contaminated? With its unimaginable events and inspiring message, is—without question—as enthralling and extraordinary as William Young’s mainstream Christian novel, The Shack.

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